

– 347 0745690 VALERIA – 347 7011951 CLAUDIO – 0722 547321 Italy

– +39 340 2221452 SERENA from outside Italy


ADDRESS : Via Santa Maria in Spinateci, 26  – Località Cà Battaglino – URBANIA (Pesaro e Urbino) Italy

GPS COORDINATES : 43°67’91.18″ N , 12°55’48.11″ E

When arriving via navigation system, please enter Via Porta Nuova 47 Urbania. The property is located about 2 km from this point.


In order to reach Urbania can take the motorway A14 (Bologna – Canosa) and exit at Fano.  Follow the direction of Urbino but before reaching the provincial capital turn at the fork in the direction of Fermignano and then follow the directions to Urbania. After the traffic light before entering the center of Urbania, turn right into Viale IV Novembre and right again at the end of the avenue.  Finally, climb the hill for 5 km and follow the signs along the way.

Always along the motorway A14 (Bologna – Canosa), exit at Pesaro Urbino and follow the direction of Fermignano (as described above), or towards Urbino and at the roundabout follow first the sign to Arezzo and then to Urbania. After that take the S.S. 73bis 16 km along and take the ring road towards Fermignano. Before the police station, turn left and follow the signs (as described above). There are also a shorter path with a gravel path wich you can find before km. 54 left on the same S.S. 73bis, and then about 3 km continue straight until you see the right signs on the road.

If you arrive from Rome, or from the Southern coast of Tirrenico the fastest way is to follow the freeway Sole A1 with exit Orte, than stay on the S.S. 204 and change to the 3a towards Perugia and follow it until the village of Bosco. From here, take the S.S. 298 towards Gubbio, and then the federal highway No. 3 towards Flaminia direction Cantiano, Cagli, and Acqualagna. From now on you can find the direct indications towards Urbania.

For those coming from Tuscany, they should move on to Arezzo and follow San Sepolcro, up to the mountain transition Bocca Trabaria and once you  are in Marche in the valley of Metauro pass the località di S. Angelo in Vado until you reach Urbania.

For those arriving by plane the nearest airports to Urbania are those of Rimini and Ancona. In addition, the closest railway stations are those of Pesaro and Fano and from there you can use bus or taxi service.

Travel map

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